So many women who dream of becoming mothers feel frustrated and alone, overwhelmed by the emotional and mental challenges of infertility. The caveat of conception is that it only happens when conditions are just right. The way we live, our mindset, our thoughts, amongst our daily life, all play a pivotal role in our ability to get pregnant. When things are out of balance, our ability to conceive is one of many things that are affected. So despite what you might believe or have been told, your body is not broken. It's just asking for a little help.
I've experienced firsthand the heartache and isolation of infertility, but I discovered a path to cope with emotional resilience and happiness. With my personal journey as my foundation, I've created a business dedicated to helping thousands of women navigate their own paths with confidence and support.
After qualifying as a Midwife, I worked at busy maternity unit in the south of England for 8 years, and during this time I struggled with my own fertility journey for 6 years. After going through so much to have a family, I gave up my career to be a stay at home mum of 2 gorgeous girls. I began working as a teaching assistant in a school once they were both at school, so that I always be there for them. My husband was and still is a firefighter, so this way one of us could always be around. A short time later, I became a teaching assistant in a special needs school for teenagers with autism. It was a role I thoroughly enjoyed for 5 years and worked with some incredible people. Little did I know, that this role would prepare me for caring for one of daughters who was recently diagnosed with autism. Her struggles attending school led me to have to leave my job for the second time in my life.
This turning point led me to 2 conclusions; I was inspired to create my own business and I was healed enough from my own trauma to help other people. I felt called to help women navigate one of the most challenging times of their lives and so I studied to become a certified coach. I wanted bring hope to those struggling in an underserved population of healthcare, that doesn't get enough support or understanding of what they're going through. Through my own experiences and struggles, I believe it's something the universe has guided me to do all along, so now I can support you with all the knowledge and experience I have and let you know that I hear you and fully understand the emotional and mental trauma you are going through, and I can help with that!
Aside from the privilege of caring for new families, I was newly married and ready to start my own family when I became a midwife. Naively, I thought it would be easy. Instead it took 11 months to fall pregnant, only to have a miscarriage a week later. My heart broke every day at work and it felt impossible to stay positive, being constantly surrounded by newborn babies and happy families. It took its toll on my physical, emotional and mental health. Another 4 years of trying and being rejected for egg sharing before we had our first IVF cycle. It didn't work and I was devastated, I knew I couldn't go on like this. This is when I turned to self help, meditation, and mindset techniques in the months leading up to our 2nd attempt at IVF. It changed everything. My journey became easier, more bearable, dare I say I even felt happier, and it was simply down to my mindset, shifting my perspectives and learning to care for myself body, mind, and soul, instead of hating myself and blaming my body for my infertility. I firmly believe that these internal changes created a huge shift in my stress levels, and restored balance to my body, creating the perfect environment to conceive. This time it worked! It was twins and although we worried things could go wrong, we were excited. Until at 29 weeks one twin died. The other was fit and well thank goodness. However, this meant I gave birth to one healthy twin at 38 weeks and one dead twin on the same day. A bittersweet ending to 6 long and painful years of infertility.
Throughout my journey I felt isolated and alone, I was the only person I knew to struggle with infertility, the last of my friend group to get pregnant, the only one of my colleagues to not have kids. Shifting my perspectives, my mindset and learning to care for myself on every level, body, mind and soul, instead of hating myself and blaming my body for my infertility made such a difference to my experience and outcome. I firmly believe that these internal changes created a huge shift in my stress levels, and restored balance to my body, creating the perfect environment to conceive. I'm here to help you do the same as a Certified Coach. If this sounds anything like you, take a deep breath, and release the stress with your outward breath. You've come to the right place. My own exoerience and studies have confirmed it, shows that activating small changes to reduce stress, anxiety, and create a positive mindset, can inspire hormonal changes in your body and actually boost your chances of getting pregnant, while also i,proving live birth outcomes and reducing the risk of complications. Had I known this sooner in my own fertility journey, I'm convinced I would not have endured it for so long, nor would it have been so traumatic. In fact, had I known this from before I tried for a baby it may have made a difference from the very beginning! I'm absolutely determined to help as many women as possible to have a shorter an more positive fertility experience than they otherwise might have. It's time to take back control of your own mind and body to boost your fertility potential. Time to get your body into baby mode!
Using my guide helps you create your very own healing space and heart armour in the comfort of your own home with a mind and strategy toolkit the you can tailor to suit your needs and lifestyle. Start each day with a plan and strategy that's aligned to you and will give you strength to cope with the daily triggers that would normally send your into a downward spiral of emotional and mental torment. By adopting these simple, yet powerful techniques and self healing you can regain some control over your fertility journey and bring balance into your life. In dedicating this time to yourself, you allow your body's healing energy to flow through your body, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Small changes can bring a big and lasting impact, providing the emotional strength needed to face your fertility journey with confidence.
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